Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Home Run

After two years of semi-involuntary absence, I have come back to the place where happiness and dreaming live. A parched prodigal falling into a grateful heap in the cool, the shade, the cool water luxury of Home.

This is the place where I belong. 

Here. With my children on the extraordinary and adventurous journey that is life-and-learning.

After a mere week and a half of Free Time, and with the comforting knowledge of another six ahead of us, we - my children and I - are settling into ourselves; into Life Uninterrupted. Just like old times. We are playing and not playing. We are exploring and resting. We are hitting the road and we are vegging out. We eat when we want, we sleep when we want, we stop and start exactly when we want to.

The joy I feel at this, this... at this actualization can only be articulated with an ascent into the Alps and me belting out an a capella melody under sunshine and aerial shots. Honestly.

All this kerfuffle and grabbing for words is about how utterly happy I have been to be home with my children again.

We are back to kitchen counter adventures, internet learning, social time with special friends, quiet time at home, reading as many stories we want - just everything!

We are back to being free. 

Is it always soft edges idyllic? Is the pope episcopalian? Is it kind of pretty awesome and perfect? You know it is. 

We have it our way and we are loving it!


Anonymous said...

I love it! I feel so much joy in this post and share it with you. I wish our kids could play sometime. :)

Milkshaken said...

Thank you Sara! So do I. Really.