Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a summary of what i believe ...by someone else.

saw this in a children's art museum i took the kids to last month and loved it.

We are all One

We don't all have to be the same.
We don't all have to think the same.
We don't all have to act the same.
We don't all have to talk the same.
We don't all have to dress the same.
We don't all have to believe the same things.
We have the right to be ourselves.

We like it that people are different.
We know that our differences make us interesting
and unique.
We honor different ways of being, acting and believing even when we don't agree with them.
We do our best to solve problems peacefully.
We speak up if we see others being treated unfairly.
We treat each other the way we'd like to be treated.
We treat each other with respect.

Don't you wish we could all agree to disagree?

Monday, September 21, 2009

where the worldviews are

certainty that one's worldview is the only and or right way is to invalidate the human experience. or humanity itself.